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propaganda 21 aal pcg perceived perception personaforskning persona research and -application persuasive pertubation phd student physical physically physics pia færch pichlmair piller piqueras pirker plaat placement playtika plenary - keynote plot pluralistic ignorance pohjolainen poker-playing bots pongit porters five forces power laws of attention economics prada predicting preference preuss privacy privacy risk prize of anarchy procedural processes procrastination professor thore husfeldt programme psychometric public digitalization purpose quality quantifying privacy risks in genetic scores radical scepticism radio receiver ramalho ramos randomness rebecca slayton recognition regenerative finance reiber representational respawn responsibility rewind rhythm rina de place bjørn risi roberts robot robots roles rooijackers rosenhahn rts rucks rune kristian lundedal nielsen saijo saldamarco saliency sampling sarah pink sassenrath satisfaction schoenau-fog schubert scrollbar search secure multiparty computation and secret sharing selection seniore seniorinteraction sensitivity sequential serada serious shabat shi shift shu sifa sinapayen sironi skat skill škola smith smittestop social media social psychology socialsquare software development søren pind sound spaces speciale spil sponsored-talk sporka spradling stanley steam stochastic stratega strategies structures student project students studerende for en dag studiefilm studiestart study start superintelligence suspense świechowski systems table tennis tænk i tech takethewind tarsier studios teaching team techbranchen teknologiforståelse temporal form text the hobbit the merkle–damgård construction the programmer's brain thomas hildebrandt tiimo time tinder to_be_deleted toby walsh togelis traveler troillet trust machine tuin undervisning unge unity urbanek us user user cultures us missile defence ux vae valbyparken valdivia validating veloso vermeulen videnskabsformidling vincent f. hendricks virtual wardrip-fruin watanabe web extension wi-fi winands women in tech wu xexéo xue yang yvonne dittrich zacharatos zagalo acharya activation activity adaptive adversarial ældre agents aggregation #ai ai-for-playing-games alastair marke alavesa algorithmic algorithms in the real world alvarez among analog analysemodel analysis antelmi antognoli app applications arhippainen artificial artificial life asadi asbag ashlock assistant associate producer associate professor lene nielsen audio authenticity automated awiszus bachelor project baghaei balla bamford barbero barros bathroom bayesian beatmap behaviour ben benchmark berg bggit bhaumik biczyk bitcoin black box blockchain business bridge bootcamp borges bowey boxes brams browne budnarain burelli camerai capture card cardoso career ccer - claus ccer - small video center for digital velfærd center for digital welfare cermak challenge china choi choir christel christiane vejlø christopher gadd chrysanthou churn cicat claire mathieu cloud club cnn cognitive cold war college admission colombo comparing competitive compliance computation computational computational complexity computational composites computational design computer computer games research computer science education conditional constrained cook coronavirus costa counter crane creativity crypto cryptocurrency cui cybersecurity dabmaku dąbrowski dahlskog data data as relation debug decentralized finance decision decomposition deep dehpanah delaurentis description design argumentation design technology devlin dialogues digital contact tracing digital dannelse digital democracy digital economics digital ethnography diip dilemma dimensions disclosure distributed database technology dj dl-dda dna dockhorn dolhasz dollar dombrowsky domination dong doping dream dulfer dungeons & dragons duplantis dynamics eakins earle echo ecoknow economic economics edwards election elympics emergence emerging technologies emotion esports e-sports ethical ethos #ethosgdpr event evobliss evolutionary experts expressiveness extensive failure fake news fan features feedback feel feltradio fight filter bubbles fisher folkemødet 2022 font football for forretning forskdk forskningens døgn forskningsprojekt fps fragoso fraser fritz frommel fürnkranz fuzzy gabriel gaina gale–shapley algorithm gambling game studies game theory gaspar gatzoulis geister gemmell gendermag general generator ghori ginta gisslen gisslén give & take gödel prize gökmen gonzález-duque goodman google maps gouveia gow grasse gray gregor griddly guest speaker guidelines gymnasieelever hackathon hacking harvey henderson hockman hoey holm holmes hom huang hufschmitt humeau icalp2014 ida jørgensen ieee conference on games 2021 inaugurating inclusion indicators industry installation interaction design interaktionsdesign interface international blockchain school 2022 introduction video introductory programming ismail it library it-sikkerhed itu active itu fc itukbh it-universitetet it university of computer iværksætter ivan bjerre damgård ivan damgård jaćević jimmy kevin pedersen job johan busse johansen john-mcdougall jonas fritsch jonas kasper jensen jung juyal kaakinen kan man stole på kunstig intelligens? karczewski karelian karth kashino kasper støy katzakis kaufman ki killer robots kim klima jeopady kolomenkin konkurrence kosiara koutsabasis kpmg kreminski kristensen kursus kurt gödel kvinderitech laber lars findsen law lay league learnit lebis lecture ledelse legends lego liang liapis liarokapis library liebana life light lima lone juul dransfeldt christensen loop loot loria louise harder fischer lozenguez lu lydspor ma machine learning maersk mahajan maina-kilaas making makri manryk mantovani map maps marcos margaret burnett margrethe vestager marie-louise master i interaktionsdesign matsuzaki mcgregor meaning melhart mickus microbial fuel cells microlearning microsoft mikke thorup minami mining misogyny mobasher moderator montañez monteiro moreira morten hjelholt motion movement msc ddit msc in games Müller multi-agent nanna ini nationalt center for etik natucci nets netværk networks newall nft nickels nikolaj sonne node Nordea nordic blockchain summit 2019 novelty npc nutan limaye object of offentlige sektor ole kjeldsen oliveira olle häggström one millionth digit of pi online abuse ontañón openitu open lecture or pandemic panel discussion paradigm participatory design/co-design patterns service design the foundations of cryptography feminist futures hackathon in copenhagen carsten schürmann mobile theoretical computer science vision forskning cdw studenterliv center for computer games research center for digital play renz chess charalambous miguel sicart natural souza heuristic tabletop processing zhang analyse sokoler gordillo thore husfeldt datalogi multiplayer mads tofte cuerdo cs søren debois art om itu liu interaktion difficulty social wang internet security open house education neural generative tollmar electronic elections generation cooper it msc programme tomas sokoler balance puzzle network zhu study & career guidance tot startup digitalisering ticket to talk ethoslab gbi sarkar bergdahl playtest events study and career guidance uddannelse stephenson about itu gamage modern cryptography khalifa bontrager bootit ixdlab matchmaking mateas xiao brit ross winthereik keynote model feature featured camera persona melcer experience dim air lab workshop alumne inaugural lecture interaction artificial intelligence yannakakis togelius malmborg senior enkeltfag seniorinteraktion transactions-on-games-and-abstracts evaluation framework modelling tutorial pinto studieliv computer games kunstig intelligens language give&take global business informatics roman beck softwaredesign level bachelor msc programmes design demonstration reinforcement digital design og interaktive teknologier kandidatuddannelser Livestream lone malmborg algorithms blockchain summer school narrative it university of copenhagen plenary computerspil specialisering student organisation player ituespressotalk conference sap competition big data european blockchain center computer science professional master womenintech games gender hej forsker learning diversity kandidat research game ddit master i it-ledelse applications-of-games efteruddannelse prof_master center for climate it ccer rollemodel live launch professional education climate it blockchain game-studies kvinder i tech data science bacheloruddannelser ar master vr virtual-and-augmented-reality softwareudvikling cast it thesis talks msc bachelor programme life at itu bsc ai 2021 cog cog2021