CoG 2021
CoG 2021
Automatically detecting player roles in Among Us.
Author: Harro Tuin and Martin Rooijackers. Title: Automatically detecting player roles in Among...
CoG 2021
Mad Mixologist: Exploring How Object Placement...
Author: Katelyn Grasse, Marjorie Cuerdo and Edward Melcer. Title: Mad Mixologist: Exploring How...
CoG 2021
Towards General Models of Player Experience: A...
Author: David Melhart, Antonios Liapis and Georgios N. Yannakakis. Title: Towards General Models...
CoG 2021
The Relationship between Personality, Game...
Author: Lucy Wang. Title: The Relationship between Personality, Game Motive, and Game Genre...
CoG 2021
Psychometric Mapping of Audio Features to...
Author: Mattia Colombo, Alan Dolhasz, Jason Hockman and Carlo Harvey. Title: Psychometric Mapping...
CoG 2021
Variance Decompositions for Extensive-Form Games
Author: Alex Cloud and Eric Laber. Title: Variance Decompositions for Extensive-Form Games....
CoG 2021
What Are You Looking At? Team Fight Prediction...
Author: Marko Tot et al. Title: What Are You Looking At? Team Fight Prediction Through Player...
CoG 2021
Feature Analysis to League of Legends Victory...
Author: Lincoln Costa, Rafael Mantovani, Francisco Souza and Geraldo Xexéo. Title: Feature...
CoG 2021
Predicting Player Churn with Echo State Networks
Author: Rafet Sifa. Title: Predicting Player Churn with Echo State Networks. Analytics and Player...